Kasia Lujan Barcus
Associate Researcher
Kasia Luján Barcus is a Community-based Research Associate at the Las Nubes EcoCampus of York University and with the Young Lives Research Lab.
A graduate of the University of Costa Rica, Kasia is a Social Anthropologist who works as an independent consultant specializing in research and social projects regarding sexuality, gender and sexual education, regional museum spaces, and in the recognition and strengthening of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Currently, Kasia collaborates in project coordination and communication with Aborto Legal Costa Rica, a nationwide initiative conformed of independent activists and over 50 organizations, working for the sexual and reproductive rights of people in Costa Rica and towards the legalization of abortion in Central America.
As a student, Kasia was part of Colectivo Uchinché, an independent collective focusing on creating an independent journal (Revista Uchinché) and more recently the production of the documentary “Sàrãtsê Sêkónel Jékàska: Volviendo a la tierra que nos vio nacer.” Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYueCsakQto
Contact Kasia Luján Barcus: kasialujan@gmail.com