Selected Chapters & Articles
Aranguiz, P., & Tilleczek, K. (2024). Williche cyborgs and planetary health: Ecologies of repair as intergenerational environmental justice. Environmental Values, Special Issue: Environmental Justice and Time. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Tilleczek, K. (forthcoming, 2024) Villains in global villages: Youth and digital technology in various contexts. In Kate Tilleczek (Ed.). Villains and Vagabonds: Youth and Digital Technology in Various Contexts. Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press.
Tilleczek, K. (forthcoming, 2024). Youth and artificial intelligence. In Kate Tilleczek (Ed.) Villains and Vagabonds: Youth and Digital Technology in Various Contexts. Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press.
Rimer, J. & Tilleczek, K. (forthcoming, 2024). Youth online safety in the digital age: Incongruities and Directions.In Kate Tilleczek (Ed.). Villains and Vagabonds: Youth and Digital Technology in Various Contexts. Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press.
Rimer, J. & Tilleczek, K. (forthcoming, 2024) Towards a model of digital wellbeing for youth. In Kate Tilleczek (Ed.). Villains and Vagabonds: Youth and Digital Technology in Various Contexts. Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press.
Tilleczek, K., Gallant, S.D, & Bell, B.L. (revise and re-submit 2023). Mothers’ care-seeking journeys for daughters with depression. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
Tilleczek, K.; Terry, M.; MacDonald, D.; Orbinski, J.; Stinson, J. (2023) Towards youth-centred planetary health education. Challenges. Special Issue: Planetary Health. 14, 3.
Tilleczek, K. (2022). Youth as educational revolutionaries: Dispatches from the Americas. In Kate Tilleczek and Deborah MacDonald (Eds.) Youth, education, and wellbeing in the Americas. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Tilleczek, K. (2022). Youth in/of the Anthropocene: Kindred ecologies for a digital warming world. In Peter Kelly et. al. (Eds.) Young people and thinking technologies in the Anthropocene. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield.
Aranguiz, P., Tilleczek, K., & MacDonald, D. (2022). We are all Children of Mapu Ñuke: Anticolonial education with/by/for youth wellbeing. In Peter Kelly et. al. (Eds.) Young people and stories of/for the Anthropocene. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield.
Tilleczek, K. (2022). The crucible of education with/by/for youth in the Americas. In Kate Tilleczek and Deborah MacDonald (Eds.) Youth, education, and wellbeing in the Americas. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Aranguiz, P., Tilleczek, K., & MacDonald, D. (2022). Wekimün School: Education with/by/for Indigenous youth and communities in Chile. In Kate Tilleczek and Deborah MacDonald (Eds.) Youth, education, and wellbeing in the Americas. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Aranguiz, P., Tilleczek, K., & MacDonald, D. (2022). Youthful pedagogies for just transitions to wellbeing with/in complex worlds. In Kate Tilleczek and Deborah MacDonald (Eds.) Youth, education, and wellbeing in the Americas. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Wasson Simpson, K., Gallagher, A., Ronis, S., Miller, D., & Tilleczek, K. (2021). Youths’ Perceived Impact of Invalidation and Validation on their Mental Health Treatment Journey. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
Boydell, K.M., Sinopoli, V., Stasiulis, E., Gladstone, B., Tilleczek, K., Gibson, A.F., Tilleczek, W., & Hodgins, M. (2021). Graffiti walls: Arts-based mental health knowledge translation with young people in secondary schools. In D. Lupton and D. Leahy (Eds.) Creative approaches to health education: New ways of thinking, making, doing, teaching and learning, pp.73-86. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, UK.
Tilleczek, K. (2020). Qualitative methodology in adolescent research. In T.L. Shek & J. Leung (Eds). Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley Online Library
Tilleczek, K. (2020). Overview of Youth (Canada). In Childhood and Educational Studies: An International Archive. London: UK, Bloomsbury Publishing. DOI: 10.5040/9781350996489.0004
Hopkins, C., Michelsen, G., Ilga Salīte, A., Wagner, D., Yokoi, A., Fischer, D., Kohl, K., Razak, R., & Tilleczek, K. (2020). Sustainability as a purpose on a new path to learning. In UNESCO (Eds.) Humanist Futures: Perspectives on the Future of Education. UNESCO: International Commission on the Future of Education.
Richard, J.F., Thériault, M., Audas, R., Ronis, S., Tilleczek, K., Zhang, M., Bell, B., Slaunwhite, A., & Poirier, N. (2020). Les obstacles et les facilitateurs dans l'accès aux services pour les enfants et les adolescents francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick ayant le diagnostic d’un trouble du spectre de l’autisme [Barriers and facilitators in accessing services for Francophone children and adolescents in New Brunswick diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder]. REFLETS : revue d’intervention sociale et communautaire, 25 (2), 90–117.
Miller, D., Ronis, S., Slaunwhite, A., Audas, R., Richard, J., Tilleczek, K., & Zhang, M. (2020). A Longitudinal Examination of Hospital Readmissions for Youth with Psychiatric Conditions. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 25(4) pp.238-245.
Loebach, J., & Tilleczek, K., Chiasson, B., & Sharp, B. (2019). Keyboard warriors? Visualizing technology and wellbeing with, for, by Indigenous youth through digital stories. Visual Studies. 34:3, 281-297.
Tilleczek, K. (2019). Reimagining the curriculum for Indigenous youth and their communities: Chiloe Island, Chiloe. UNESCO International Bureau of Education. April 2019.
Tilleczek, K. (2019). Youth have a love-hate relationship with digital tech in the age of the Anthropocene. The Conversation, Summer Edition, 2019.
Tilleczek, K. (2019). Young lives in the digital age. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 1-12).
Campbell, V.M., Tilleczek, K., & Loebach, J. (2019). Methods and ethics with, for and by youth in the digital age. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 12-38).
Tilleczek, K., Bell, B.L., & Munro, M. (2019). Youth well-being and digital media. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 39-59).
Barnick, H., Campbell, V., & Tilleczek, K., (2019). The way we live now: Privacy, surveillance, and control of youth in the digital age. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 60-79).
Srigley, R., & Tilleczek, K. (2019). “It’s almost like the earth stood still”: Youthful critiques of cell phones. In (pp. (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 80-94).
Tilleczek, K., & Rimer, J.R. (2019). Digital capital by/for youth? In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp. 95-112).
Rimer, J.R., & Tilleczek, K. (2019). Digital media, youth, and social relationships. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp.113-127).
Tilleczek, K., & Campbell, V. (2019). Profound conundrums: Young lives in the digital age. In Kate C. Tilleczek & Valerie M. Campbell (Eds.) Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (pp.128-136).
2018 - 1993
Tilleczek, K., Bell, B., Munro, M.A., & Gallant, S.D. (2017). Youth journeys in mental health: Invoking unique patient perspectives. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health Special Issue on Responses to the Mental Health Strategy for Canada. 36(2) 1-14.
Tilleczek, K., & Srigley, R. (2017). Young cyborgs? Youth and the digital age. In A. Furlong (Ed.) The Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood. Abington, UK: Routledge (Pages 273-284).
Tilleczek, K. (2016). Voices from the margins. Educative research with, for and by youth. Education Canada. Special Issue: Youth Voice, Vol 56 (4).
Tilleczek, K., & Loebach, J. (2015). Research goes to the cinema: The veracity of videography with, for and by youth. Journal of Research in Comparative and International Education. Special Issue on the potential of videography in comparative education. Volume 10(3), 354-366.
Srigley, R., & Tilleczek, K. (2014). The Republic and Apology as source texts for Rebel Without a Cause. International Political Anthropology, 7(2), 37-45.
Tilleczek, K., & Campbell, V. (2014). Narratives of youth literacy: The case of Prince Edward Island. Canadian Journal of Teacher Research. 1(1), 46-85.
Tilleczek, K., & Lezeu, K. (2014). Journeys in youth mental health. Education Canada. Special Issue: Youth Mental Health, 54(2), 12-18.
Tilleczek, K. (2014). Theorizing youth: Biography, society and time. In A. Ibrahim & S.R. Steinberg (Eds.), Critical youth studies reader (pp. 15-25). New York, USA: Peter Lang Press. (Book won Critics Choice Award at American Educational Research Association).
Tilleczek, K., Ferguson, M., Campbell, V., & Lezeu, K. (2014). Mental health and poverty in young lives: Intersections and directions. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 33(1) 63-76.
Tilleczek, K., & Campbell, V. (2013). Barriers to youth literacy: Sociological and Canadian insights. Language and Literacy, 15(2), 77-100.
Tilleczek, K. (2013). On being poor at school. In K. Tilleczek & B. Ferguson (Eds.), Youth education, and marginality: Local and global expressions (pp. 155-175). Waterloo, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Tilleczek, K., & Kinlock, K. (2013). Humanities infused praxis by, with and for youth: Esoteric hope. In K. Tilleczek & B. Ferguson (Eds.), Youth, education and marginality: Local and global expressions (pp. 17-39). Waterloo, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Tilleczek, K. (2012). Policy activism with and for youth transitions through public education. International Journal of Educational Administration and History, 44(3), 253-267.
Tilleczek, K. (2012). Early childhood transitions as critical praxis. Canadian Children: The Journal of Childhood Studies, 37(2), 13-19.
Tilleczek, K, Ferguson, B., Roth Edney, D., Rummens, J.A., Boydell, K., & Mueller, M. (2011). A contemporary study with early school leavers: Pathways and social processes of leaving high school. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 3(1), 1-39.
Tilleczek, K. (2011). Adjusting the rear-view mirror: An examination of youth driving culture. Youth and Society, 43(2), 757-778.
Tilleczek, K., Furlong, A., & Ferguson, B. (2010). Marginalized youth in contemporary educational contexts: A tranquil invitation to a rebellious celebration? Education Canada, 50(5), 6-10.
Tilleczek, K. (2008). Building bridges for young people: Transitions from elementary to secondary school. Education Canada, 36(3), 68-71.
Tilleczek, K. (2008). The failing health of children and youth in Northern Ontario. In D. Leadbeater (Ed.) Mining town crisis: Globalization, labour and resistance in Sudbury (pp. 150-164). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Press.
Tilleczek, K., Ferguson, B., Roth Edney, D., Rummens, J. A., Boydell, K., & Mueller, M.P. (2008). Reconsidering school disengagement: A sociological view from the margins. In K. Tilleczek (Ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques (pp. 3-33). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
Tilleczek, K., & Cudney, D. (2008). Rural youth and school cultures: Rethinking “place” and disengagement. In K. Tilleczek (Ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques (pp. 143-158). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
Tilleczek, K., Ferguson, B., Roth Edney, D., Rummens, J.A., & Boydell, K. (2008). A critical review of initiatives to redress youth and school disengagement. In K. Tilleczek (Ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques (pp. 189-206). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
Rummens, J.A., Tilleczek, K., Boydell, K., & Ferguson, B. (2008). Understanding and addressing early school leaving among immigrant and refugee youth. In K. Tilleczek (Ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques (pp. 75-100). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
Mueller, M., Tilleczek, K., Rummens, J.A., & Boydell, K. (2008). Methodological considerations for the study of early school leaving. In K. Tilleczek (Ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques (pp. 35-73). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
Tilleczek, K., & Hine, D.W. (2006). The meaning of smoking as health and social risk in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 29(2,) 273-287.
Tilleczek, K., Ferguson, B., Rummens, J.A., & Boydell, K. (2006). How do youth leave school? Current lessons from youth who know. Education Canada, 46(4), 54-57.
Boydell, K., Pong, R., Volpe, T., Tilleczek, K., Wilson, E., & Lemieux, S. (2006). Family perspectives on pathways to mental health care for children and youth in rural communities. Journal of Rural Health, 21(2), 182-188.
Frampton, C., Kinsman, G., Thompson, A., & Tilleczek, K. (2006). Social movements/social research: Towards political activist ethnography. In C. Frampton, G. Kinsman, A. Thompson, & K. Tilleczek, (Eds.), Sociology for changing the world: Social movements/ Social research (pp. 1-17). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Press.
Frampton, C., Kinsman, G., Thompson, A., & Tilleczek, K. (2006). New directions for activist research. In C. Frampton, G. Kinsman, A. Thompson, & K. Tilleczek (Eds.), Sociology for changing the world: social movements/ social research (pp. 246-271). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Press.
Tilleczek, K., Pong, R., & Caty, S. (2005). Innovations and issues in the delivery of continuing education to nurse practitioners in rural and northern communities. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 37, 147-162.
Ward, M., Sahai, V., Tilleczek, K., Barnett, R., & Zimijowski, T. (2005). Child and adolescent health in Northern Ontario: A quantitative profile for public health planning. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(4), 287-290.
Hine, D. W., Tilleczek, K., Lewko, J. H., McKenzie-Richer, A., & Perreault, L. (2005). Measuring adolescent smoking expectancies by incorporating judgments about the expected time of occurrence of smoking outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19, 284-290.
Tilleczek, K. (2004). The illogic of youth driving culture. The Journal of Youth Studies, 7(4), 473-499.
Hine, D. W., McKenzie-Richer, A., Lewko, J. H., Tilleczek, K., & Perreault, L. (2002). A comparison of the mediational properties of four adolescent smoking expectancy measures. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, 16, 187-195.
Tilleczek, K., & Lewko, J.H. (2001). Factors influencing the pursuit of health and science career pathways for Canadian adolescents in transition from school to work. Journal of Youth Studies, 4(4), 415-428.
Volpe, R., & Tilleczek, K. (1999). Full service schools and students at risk. Research in Ontario Secondary Schools, 5(4), 1-4.
Volpe, R., Tilleczek, K., & Hurrell, P. (1998). Images of children’s rights: A review of Canadian policies. In A. Richardson (Ed.), Children and youth: An international odyssey (pp. 408-414). Edmonton, Canada: Kanata Learning.
Volpe, R., & Tilleczek, K. (1998). German and Australian youth employment services as forms of social support. In A. Richardson (Ed.), Children and youth: An international odyssey (pp. 290-296). Edmonton, Canada: Kanata Learning.
Hine, D. W., Summers, C., Tilleczek, K., & Lewko, J. (1997). Expectancies and mental models as determinants of adolescents’ smoking decisions. Journal of Social Issues, 53, 35-52.
Tilleczek, K., & Lewko, J. H. (1997). Stability during change? Adolescent persistence in science career pathways during changing transitions from school to work. In A. Richardson (Ed.), Canadian childhood in 1997 (pp. 181-187). Edmonton, Canada: Kanata Learning.
Foster, S., Tilleczek, K., Hein, C., & Lewko, J.H. (1993). High school dropouts. In P. Anisef. (Ed.), Learning and sociological profiles of young adults in Canada (pp. 73-104). New York, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.