What’s New

Here you can find some selected outputs and updates from our work and collaborations with young people, communities, scholars, and youth serving organizations.

Edited byAshley Goodfellow Craig | January 23, 2025

Check out York’s Y-File article on Dr. Kate Tilleczek’s Heritage Canada funded Digital Wellbeing Hub.

“A first-of-its kind digital wellness platform, created at York University’s Young Lives Research Lab [that] will launch this spring to help Canadians navigate the challenges and complexities of the internet and social media.”

The Planetary Health Film Lab

Led by Dr. Mark Terry, with funding from the Peterborough KM Hunter Charitable Foundation and collaboration from the Young Lives Research Lab, the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, The Youth Climate Report and the Planetary Health Alliance, the Planetary Health Film Lab works with young people from all around the world to provide training and mentorship in filmmaking for social change. Resulting youth made films are housed on Terry’s Youth Climate Report and used to bring youth experience and voice to the United Nations climate conferences. In 2023 the Planetary Health Film Lab was held in Belize, with Indigenous Maya youth. The resulting films were added to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Youth Climate Report GIS database and will premiere at the UN’s climate summit, COP28, in Dubai in December of this year.

Dr. Kate Tilleczek on the Partnership for Youth and Planetary Wellbeing & Youth in the Digital Age

Co-creation of data collection in and across 5 countries, and co-analysis of findings to develop local education and national and international policy to “support young people who are the next leaders and the next fighters” for more sustainable futures.

Archive Our Youth

Our Partnership for Youth and Planetary Wellbeing project works with a 4-6 person Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) in research location (Canada, Costa Rica, Belize and Chile). The YAC are key to the co-development of research and knowledge mobilization activities to ensure the work is aligned with community needs and cultural norms. The knowledge mobilization outputs from each location offer important and impactful tools to share the findings of this work in meaningful and engaging ways. In Canada, the Youth Advisory Committee developed Archive Our Youth as an way to engage with other young people around aspects of personal and planetary wellbeing.

“You're invited to contribute to the Archive and/or explore the multimedia and artifacts preserved here. The Digital Archive explores dream futures, perspectives on wellbeing, and resources both real and desired that support personal to planetary wellbeing. We welcome youth, youth groups and engaged collectives from all over the world to contribute!”

Co-creation of education and research methods: Wekimün as a benchmark

Wekimün: A School with & for Indigenous Youth & Communities

From 2012-2018, with funding from Global Affairs Canada, Dr. Kate Tilleczek Co-led the project Wekimün: A School with & for Indigenous Youth and Communities in collaboration with the Williche Council of Chiefs of Chiloé, Chile. This significant project was groundbreaking in its co-developed methods of research alongside young people and their community members and the intergenerational, transdisciplinary co-creation of curriculum and educative methods. This short Wekimün School documentary showcases this co-development process with a team of youth, community members, Elders, highly qualified personnel and scholars in Chile and Canada.