Pablo Aránguiz Mesías

Associate ResearcherInternational Visiting Research Fellow

Pablo Aránguiz Mesías is an Associate Researcher and International Visiting Research Fellow at the Young Lives Research Lab at York University. He holds a Master degree in Analysis and Management of Mediterranean Ecosystems from the University of Alicante, Spain, with an undergraduate degree as a Forestry Engineer from the Universidad Mayor of Chile. Pablo is currently working towards his Ph.D. in Local Development and International Cooperation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. His areas of research include the role of education in just transition processes towards sustainable societies, and intercultural approaches to education for the care of the common worlds.

Pablo has spent more than 20 years in the archipelago of Chiloé working with and for the Indigenous Williche communities of the region. As Professor of Sustainable Development at the Wekimün Chilkatuwe school, and as a long-time associate of the Williche Council of Chiefs of Chiloé, Pablo has supported the implementation of dozens of participatory action and community-based projects through local and international community-led development

As co-author, with Dr. Kate Tilleczek, of Knowing Global Youth: A Unique Intercultural Course on Youth, Pablo has engaged Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth in a process of curriculum co-creation and course piloting for sustainable development. His work with Dr. Tilleczek, colleagues, and allies of the YLRL, supports his research and partnerships in Chile, Canada and Europe.

Contact Pablo Aránguiz Mesías:


The Common Worlds Research Collective

Just Transition Research Collaborative

Code Red Alliance


Aránguiz, P., Palau-Salvador, G. and Peris, J. (2024), “Design thinking for just transitions. Exploring relational and justice-oriented learning at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Aránguiz, P. and Sannazzaro, J. (2024), “Crisis ecológica global y educación desde la perspectiva de las juventudes”, Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 1–22, doi: 10.11600/rlcsnj.22.1.5797.

Aránguiz, P., Tilleczek, K. and MacDonald, D. (2022), “We are All Children of Mapu Ñuke: Anticolonial Education with/by/for Youth Wellbeing”, in Kelly, P., Kraftl, P., Carbajo, D., Black, R., MacDonald, D., Noonan, M. and Ribeiro, A.S. (Eds.), Young People And Stories For The Anthropocene, Rowman and Littlefield, London, pp. 67–82.

Ortiz, R., Aránguiz, P. and Peris, J. (2022), “Just transitions through agroecological innovations in family farming in Guatemala : Enablers and barriers towards gender equality”, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 45, pp. 228–245, doi: 10.1016/j.eist.2022.11.002.

Aránguiz, P. (2022), “Análisis de experiencias en educación para una transición justa hacia la sostenibilidad”, in Bravo, A. and Ariztía, T. (Eds.), Transiciones Energéticas y Crisis Socioambiental En Chile, Nucleo Milenio Energía y Sociedad (NUMIES), Santiago, Chile, pp. 42–57.

Aránguiz, P., Tilleczek, K. and MacDonald, D. (2022), “Wekimün school : Education with/by/for Indigenous youth and communities in Chile”, in Tilleczek, K. and MacDonald, D. (Eds.), Youth, Education and Wellbeing in the Americas, Routledge, London, pp. 156–173, doi: 10.4324/9781003029021-9.

Aránguiz, P., Tilleczek, K. and MacDonald, D. (2022), “Youthful pedagogies for just transitions to wellbeing with/in complex worlds”, in Tilleczek, K. and MacDonald, D. (Eds.), Youth, Education and Wellbeing in the Americas, Routledge, London, pp. 174–193, doi: 10.4324/9781003029021-10.

Aránguiz, P., Palau-Salvador, G., Belda, A. and Peris, J. (2020), “Critical Thinking Using Project-Based Learning: The Case of The Agroecological Market at the ‘Universitat Politècnica de València’”, Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 12 No. 9: 3553, doi: 10.3390/su12093553.

Aránguiz, P., Espoz, R. and Rojas, G. (2006), “Plan Maestro de Uso y Conservación de la Reserva Forestal de la Comunidad Williche de Weketrumao”, in Catalán, R., Wilken, P., Kandzior, A., Tecklin, D. and Burschel, H. (Eds.), Bosques y Comunidades Del Sur de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile, pp. 335–347.